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Planet, People AND Prosperity

Sustainability is a holistic approach that considers ecological, social, and economic areas, recognizing that all pieces play a part. The economy doesn't function without people. People don't function without a planet. They are all intertwined and must be considered.

In order for a business to thrive, it needs to take step back and stop looking at just the financial numbers. It needs to slow down and look at the whole picture.

It's safe to assume that your business is focused on making a profit. It's important for you to pay your bills and to be prosperous. It keeps the economy moving and it also helps you, the bleeding heart that you likely are, continue to invest in things that are important to your heart.

But is your BUSINESS also focused on PEOPLE. Do you know who is making all the supplies you need for your product for example? Can you with 100% certainty say that anyone contributing to the making of the supplies you are using are paid a living wage and are given safe and healthy working conditions? How can you be certain? Do you know where the materials in your supplies come from? Sure, you might know where you buy them, and you might even know where the factory is that makes them. But do you know where THOSE materials come from?

AND is your BUSINESS also focused on the PLANET and always intentionally making choices that contribute to making the planet and healthier and safer place for us all and the generations after us? How many materials do you use that have petroleum based materials in them? Those are fossil fuel materials which come from crude oil. Are there any materials that have to be mined and are contributing to the mining industries that are changing whole ecosystems?

There are a lot of things to consider in our tiny businesses. Sure, we can pass blame and say it’s really up to the big businesses to make all the changes. But if we continue to purchase the things they make which are causing harm, then they will continue to make them. In the end, change starts with us.

So take the time to slow down. If we are constantly running from one deadline to the next and not planning correctly, we will inevitably make decisions based on haste and availability instead of intention.

If you’re at a loss of where to start, the Sustainable Artisan Guild is a community of artisans of all disciplines making goals to become more intentional in their practices with putting the planet first and we’d love to have you join us no matter where you are in your journey. You can join for as little as $5! Make the commitment today to start making a difference.

Lara Cornell