
Love Letters to Lara



The other thing working with Lara has done for me is quite immediately and literally taken me into action mode around my impact, rather than waiting for the perfect day in the future to get more involved. I am forever grateful for this. It has already lead to so much inspiration and meaning in my life! I love that it will be the fuel in my art and my business going forward.

/  Heidi Sensenig, Artist & Ceramicist /



Thank you for your help in giving me kick i need to think clearer and get out there! I’m refining my goals and dreamer bigger! I think my theme for the year is Be Bold! Be bold in all the things we discussed and pursuing people, relationships and business!

/  Bobbi Jo Brooks Tom, Artist & Photographer /


This is THE book about business that the arts community has been waiting for, full of needed clarity and accessible strategies for success. If you are a creative who is passionate about developing a sustainable successful business framework while making a living and an impact with your art this book is for you!

/  Faith Evans-Sills, Artist & Author  /


High praise for Maker's Mark and Lara Cornell's calming, nurturing voice that guides you forward with specific direction and action to build your artisan business with an eye towards your legacy. Lara encourages you to dig deep into your heart of what sets you and your business apart! She sets the doable framework for how to leverage your unique voice in the marketplace with many writing prompts and visualizations. Lara does with the writing in her book, just what she encourages artisans to do in their field—own your unique voice, stay the course and strategize with a heart centered plan.

/  Mati Rose McDonough, Artist, Illustrator and Author /


I love how Lara succinctly and lovingly walks independent artists through her meaningful, doable steps to get off the hamster wheel of making and selling just enough to get by and placing them on their own unique path to lasting success. This book is a must-have guide for any creative entrepreneur!

/  Liv Lane, Artist and Author /


As artists, we can tend to feel lost when it comes to the business side of being an entrepreneur. This book covers all the bases and is perfect for those of us who want to feel confident building our business and brand.

/  Lori Portka, Artist and Illustrator /



Lara answered many of my unspoken questions in her podcasts. I love her chat on having a growing mindset, being willing to invest in the business, and how being our authentic self allows our diverse creative expressions to blossom well into the future without losing our brand essence and continuity. Her emphasis on clarifying our purposes led me to share my passion to empower women and revive the ocean. The result was my launching a bespoke portrait painting service for women and attracting my first licensing deal creating an ocean themed painting. Thank you Lara you are a treasure!

/  Coral Noel Yang, Painter, Filmmaker /



Lara offers a smart, well-planned, and very informative podcast for all artisans offering her wealth of knowledge in her calm and supportive way. This podcast will truly help all of us wanting to build, grow, and be successful in our unique businesses!

/  Janine Arnesen-Nolt: Designer and Author /



Lara's Podcast is everything I expected and more. After I worked through her book and had a call with her I was waiting for a podcast to come out because Lara is the real deal. She get's straight to the point and gives you straight value with everything you need to know about building an artisan brand. I have listened to a lot of business advice and always had trouble making the connection to my art. Lara basically does that for you and translates business into art lingo. It's a must listen for every artist! Thank you Lara!

/  Anna Sophie Drosd: Artist & Content Creator /



The Impactful Artisan brings a fresh, unique approach to creativity and business! As an artist and writer in the early stages of considering a creative business myself, I find Lara’s insights to be helpful, clear and refreshing. She drives home the importance of building a solid foundation, from the bottom up, ensuring long-lasting impact for the long-term. I would recommend The Impactful Artisan Podcast to any creative entrepreneur who is just starting out, stuck in a rut, or somewhere in between!

/  Carlee Ragains, Artist & Writer /



Lara has a business mindset but talks in the language of an artist. She takes complicated corporate thoughts and practices and explains how to transform them into something more meaningful and relatable to a creative business. It's a new way of thinking but there are pure gold nuggets in these short episodes.

/  Rebecca Prince, Portrait Artist /



I am still in the beginning of making a creative business, and Lara´s free E-book and podcasts truly helps getting you in the right direction, giving lots of great, useful tips and things to consider, analyze, reflect and work through. Lara´s book and Podcast is a truly unique gift to creatives and creative business, emphasizing the importance of having a solid base and an authentic brand with a deeper purpose. Lara explains everything in a very down to earth, simple and pleasant way with concrete tasks and a clear direction. You feel her heartfelt wish to help other artisans creating sustainable businesses with heart and soul. Something we need a lot more of now and in the future.

/  Connie Eldrup, Artist & Photographer /



Thank you so much Lara for this and for keeping it short and sweet. Such a wonderful way to start my day. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I think my first reaction was “oh, OH?!” - now I am pondering your words of wisdom and feeling a big yes rising to the surface. Why do I do what I do? A question I am actually forming an answer to on a deeper level right now.

/  Alexandra Riederich, Artist & Professional Tarot Reader /



I just found Lara’s podcast, The Impactful Artisan. I gave it a listen and cannot wait to enjoy more of her content. The focus is just what I need to learn at this point about the business aspect of my art career. She packs a lot of content in the shorter sessions so I have time to listen to an entire episode. I felt inspired and said an inward, “thank you,” after listening to a valuable and important episode yesterday. Lara…I give you five stars!

/  Linda Hoenigsberg, Watercolor Artist with big dreams /



Lara gives really thoughtful advice. This advice, coming from someone who has years of experience in creating a profitable and impact-driven business out of her passion, should be taken to heart by anyone looking to reap the rewards of putting a purpose behind their passion.

/  Jolene Fisher /



The Impactful Artisan Podcast is truly impactful! Each episode is full with helpful information for new and seasoned business owners alike. Not only can you relate if you're an artisan based business but really, I think any service based business can find this information helpful. There is tons of helpful information I hadn't heard before. If you are looking for authentic growth in your business, this is the Podcast for you!

/  Melissa Sallese, Graphic Designer /