Legacy Blueprint Welcome

Your Legacy Blueprint


Welcome to the program!

Congratulations on taking this big step! You are already doing more than most artisan business owners will do in their careers, you are recognizing that your artisan business and yourself are worth investing in. And that is a huge step. The next step is to actually do the work, so let’s get to work!

CONTENT: The links here will take you to each week’s content.

COMMUNICATION: We use an online platform called Circle to communicate with myself and with the group. Now, I want to address any thoughts of hiding you may have right now. Sharing your work on a platform where other group members can see it may feel uncomfortable, vulnerable, or unnecessary, but I can promise you that you will get MORE out of sharing your work, especially if it’s imperfect. Additionally, you will also learn more from others sharing. We are in the mud together and it will make us all stronger. It’s never expected for things you share on Circle to be perfect, in fact, it’s better if it’s messy! That’s how we all learn together! So, the messier the better. HERE is the Circle Link.

WEEKLY CALLS: The weekly calls are your opportunity to get clarity, feedback and learn directly from me and also to listen to what work others are doing in the program. These calls are not recorded so be sure to cut time out of your schedule for these calls for the duration of the program. It is very rare to have a client miss any of these calls. You will be emailed a Zoom Link.

WORKBOOK: For sustainability reasons, the workbook is NOT required to be printed out. You can simply open it on your computer and think through the prompts, or open it in a doc on your computer and type into it. You could use your own notebook, recycled paper or even scrap paper if you’d prefer. However, you are welcome to download and print out the workbook. I would ask that at minimum you use recycled paper and an eco setting on your printer if possible. But before printing anything out, please consider the following data:

The Paper and Pulp Industry (PPI) is among the top 5 most energy-intensive industries globally. On par with aviation industry, marine shipping industry, internet data centre use.

PPI is the 3rd largest water consumer after metal and chemical industries.

Furszyfer Del Rio, D. D., Sovacool, B. K., Griffiths, S., Bazilian, M., Kim, J., Foley, A. M., & Rooney, D. (2022). Decarbonizing the pulp and paper industry: A critical and systematic review of sociotechnical developments and policy options. Elsevier Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.