Module 3
Impact - Why we do what we do
I have found…
Often, when speaking with business owners about their “why” or their “purpose”, especially those who have not built their root system (their brand strategy), I get almost always the same response. Their why usually has something to do with spreading beauty, making people happy, or they say that their kids are their “why”. While all of this is lovely and by no means should people stop spreading beauty, making people happy, or doing things for their kids, I have found that these reasons alone are usually not enough to hold the tree up during the storm. Typically, during storms, the business owner is feeling a LOT of stress, anxiety and a whole lot of “why am I even doing this?!”. And if the reason is “because I want to spread beauty”, in and of itself it’s just not enough. These also tend to be isolating “why’s”. In addition, these are why’s that often don’t speak to your audience. Although they might find them nice and lovely, it’s not something that motivates THEM to help keep your business afloat.
So, instead, we want to look for why’s that are more universal. What are why’s that keep you motivated to keep going, even in the hard times, connect you to a community which keeps you motivated to work hard and keep going, AND connects you with clients/customers who share your why and are also motivated to help?
To do this, we need to think much more broadly and look at what is happening in the world? Who needs our help? What do our hearts bleed for? What can we do? How can we embrace action in our lives and business on issues that matter to lots of people, including ourselves?
Part 1: Watch this video by the United Nations.
Part 3:
1) What SDG(s) speak to you? Why?
2) How does that SDG show up in your local community? Are there local organizations supporting this particular SDG? Are there ways you could help?
3) Post your answers to our community.